Lucy Bacon

Lucy is working to complete her Bachelor of Science majoring in conservation biology and ecology (Honours)(Dean’s Scholar) at UOW. Her interests lie in many areas of ecology, ranging from how we can conserve modern biodiversity to understanding the palaeoecology of past trophic systems. In 2023 she began aiding research at the Wollongong Isotope Geochronology Laboratory, looking into how we can use strontium and calcium isotopes to reconstruct the range and dietary strategies of cretaceous megafauna. She completed a research project in 2024, presenting her findings on the use of calcium isotopes as a dietary proxy for Troodontidae (small raptor dinosaurs) of Cretaceous North America. Now, in 2025 for her honours project she is researching how we can use strontium isotopes to reconstruct the past foraging range of the critically endangered Ghost Bat population at Rockhampton QLD.
Supervisors: Prof Anthony Dosseto and Dr Katharina J Peters